Sunday, October 17, 2010

Has anyone seen my sweet little baby?

You always know when it's too quiet that you're about to find something bad.  So this is what I found the other day...
*insert heart attack here*

 What a little monkey!  And thank you to the good people of Ikea for such a sturdy dresser.  That thing didn't budge.  Gotta love the Swedes.

Now, last night...the little monkey, the 18 month old little monkey, decided that she didn't want to be in her crib-so she climbed out.  SHE CLIMBED OUT!!  ACK!  Thankfully this wasn't an all night activity-but she did climb out of her bed this morning and once again decided the top dresser drawer was a great place to play.  *sigh*

aren't girls supposed to be calmer, quieter, less...crazy?  I was looking forward to more tea parties and less gray hair inducing antics.

Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday....I'm off to buy duct tape and hair dye...

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, what a little bugger!!! I can't believe the drawer!!! too cute.
