and then our little diva was born.
She did great the first few months...even sleeping through the night fairly early. I thought we were SO lucky! By 4 months it all fell apart. I didn't worry too much, most 4 month olds sleep like shit, that's no secret. But she never improved. We have the same policy with her-but she very much takes advantage of it, and often wakes every hour. I consulted with her pediatrician, who advised me to let her cry. I can't stomach that. We've been working on a gentler approach, which has been marred by viruses and ear infections.
So, we power on. She's only a baby once, and I try to remind myself of that. She won't always wake and beg to be close. I am quite certain that teenage Ellie would rather die than sleep in our bed. So for now, I'll hit the caffeine, and relish in her babyness.
and who could turn away this sweet little girl

and she is sooo sweet! all 3 of mine have been terrible sleepers...but I still stand behind my parenting choices! Now 2 of them sleep quite well & are quite well adjusted & secure little boys...hopefully "baby" brother will follow soon, but he won't be forced out of our bed; he will be encouraged & helped, and leave in his own time...even if the little goober is THREE years old, now, lol. ;) know I've been right there with ya! Maybe "Ellie" means "frequent night nurser" in some other language, in which case somebody should've warned us both, don't you think? ;)