I don't know...was it the 12.5 mile back up that turned a "little over an hour" drive into at least 3? (note to self, do not suck down a Dunkin' Donuts ice coffee in the car without knowing precisely when your next bathroom break is going to be.)
was it the very poor decision to drag strollers down onto the sand?
Or was it not considering the rising tide before snagging that "perfect" spot on the beach? We got washed out not once. Not twice. But at least four or five times. Two mommies scrambling to move all our stuff out of waters way while one child runs full boar into the ocean, one infant on a hip, one wailing about the injustice of it all, and one...wait...where is that one? Oh, she's decided to play with the family next door.
It wasn't long before-frazzled and fried-we packed up our soggy possesions, rounded up the children, and schleped our way back up the beach (did I mention what a bad idea it was to drag strollers onto the sand?) to make our way back to our coveted $20 parking spot.
Okay, so it wasn't ALL bad. The kids had fun. Nathan surprisingly was a huge fan of the ocean and wanted to spend all his time in there. This came as quite a shock to me, as you might remember it was only a year ago that the mere mention of going near the ocean would send the poor child into panic mode. He's come a long way since then.
here is the little beach bum enjoying the water

Nathan and his best girls

We're making memories, kids. Making memories. Now, excuse me...Mommy needs a drink...
Love it! Glad you had a good time, despite all the mishaps!