Friday, May 28, 2010

Paying it Forward

Our little girl had surgery today.  She had a dermoid cyst on the back of her skull that required removal.  It's a basic procedure-one that would be done in the doctors office if it weren't for the fact that she's a baby.  So, we we're in the day surgery department by 6:30 this morning.  She was such a brave little girl, and the staff was absolutely smitten with her.  They took such fantastic care of her, and the surgery was quick and easy with no surprises-just what we wanted to hear!  
brave girl

So, because I'm feeling eternally grateful for many things right now, I thought it was the perfect time for this post.  I was recently the lucky recipient of my friend Courtney's Pay it Forward contest.  Thus, it's time for me to do just that!  The rules are simple:

  • You must comment on this post. The comment must include something positive and/or awesome (about anything you'd like; it just needs to be happy!).
  • If you are a winner, I'll ask that you pay-it-forward on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, whatever...just commit to doing something nice for three people in the spirit of paying-it-forward. I am not picky.
  • You must trust me enough to send me your address. I am not a stalker or anything like that. Don't bother playing if you can't do that. Based on the people who read this, chances are pretty good that I already have your address.
  • If you don't intend to pay it forward, don't play.
 I'll pick three winners at random next Friday, June 4th.   Prizes are yet to be determined, but will be chosen specially for each winner.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you all! Good Luck!
